What a dog can teach us about customer service
By Jim Whitt After picking up the mail Charlie Mitchell and I were on our way out of the Post Office when a man pointed
By Jim Whitt After picking up the mail Charlie Mitchell and I were on our way out of the Post Office when a man pointed
By Jim Whitt I walked into an optometry shop looking for a new pair of glasses. I spotted someone who I thought was an employee
It’s easy to criticize, condemn and complain. That leads to finger pointing and often escalates into a volatile situation where everyone loses. We can deescalate a volatile situation by learning the power of six magic words. People complain that things need to change. Yet, they could be the change they’d like to see. It’s amazing how many problems can be resolved when we decide to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
By Jim Whitt When was the last time you saw someone using a Blackberry? In the not too distant past they were the king of
By Jim Whitt When you walk into a fast-food restaurant, how long do you expect to wait from the time you order until you get
By Jim Whitt After picking up the mail Charlie Mitchell and I were on our way out of the Post Office when a man pointed
By Jim Whitt I had no idea what a great listener Kent Stroman was until he wrote a book entitled Asking about Asking: Mastering the
By Jim Whitt A couple of weeks ago I wrote about some customer service experiences that served as lessons for what shouldn’t happen. Unfortunately those
By Jim Whitt I was meeting with a business associate at a coffee house one day and the music was so loud we were about
By Jim Whitt I like heavy starch in my jeans. Not my everyday jeans but my Sunday-go-to-meeting jeans. The ones I wear for important occasions
By Jim Whitt As a country boy I grew up having to figure out how to fix things with limited resources — like intelligence and
By Kay Caldwell Everywhere I spend money I look for one thing — legendary customer service. I worked in Customer Relations in Southwest Airlines for