What a dog can teach us about customer service
By Jim Whitt After picking up the mail Charlie Mitchell and I were on our way out of the Post Office when a man pointed
By Jim Whitt After picking up the mail Charlie Mitchell and I were on our way out of the Post Office when a man pointed
July 31st, 2016 by Purpose Unlimited Many bosses (not leaders) assume that in order to be effective they must be tough on their employees. For
By Jim Whitt During one 24 hour period I had four interesting conversations. Conversation #1: Someone in a key position with a large retail organization
This is a favorite of Angie Youngblut, one of our longtime subscribers. It was originally published August 9, 2006. I think it’s a great message
By Jim Whitt I just read an article by Bill Barnett in the Harvard Business Review entitled When Choosing a Job, Culture Matters. That is
By Jim Whitt I stopped at a fast food place the other day which had an interesting message on its marquee: “Managers Wanted.” Not help
I always enjoy hearing from readers. The following is an email I received from Steve that I thought was worth sharing… Hi Jim, I’m 65
By Jim Whitt In an article entitled Why I Miss That Old Meanie Simon Cowell, The Telegraph’s Michael Deacon had this to say about American
By Jim Whitt I found a treasure trove of ideas in responses from readers to my article about Writer’s Block on September 29 (if you