Purpose Unlimited

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Too good to be great?

This is a favorite of Angie Youngblut, one of our longtime subscribers. It was originally published August 9, 2006. I think it’s a great message

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What’s Your Reality?

By Jim Whitt This is an excerpt from Chapter 6  of The Transformational Power of Purpose: Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life: In the

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Ode to Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar passed away at age 86 yesterday. Zig may have influenced more people in the sales profession than any other person. When I started

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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

By Jim Whitt Psychologist William James offered this simple but extremely accurate observation about the human species, “Compared to what we ought to be, we

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Management Block

By Jim Whitt I found a treasure trove of ideas in responses from readers to my article about Writer’s Block on September 29 (if you

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Writer’s Block

By Jim Whitt If you have not been receiving my Eletter lately it is not due to technical difficulty. It is due to cognitive difficulty.

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The Prevailing Point of View

By Jim Whitt A friend sent me an article entitled In a Downturn, Provoke Your Customers* in which the authors write about provocation-based selling. Being

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Road Signs For Success

By Gerald Daniels Last week when Jim Whitt wrote about learning to be comfortably uncomfortable he told of two telephone conversations he had. One of

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