Leadership lessons from a cowboy named Rooster and a horse named Clyde
By Jim Whitt When I hired on as a pen rider at Wheatheart Feeders in 1972 there were roughly 20 cowboys and 60 company horses.
By Jim Whitt When I hired on as a pen rider at Wheatheart Feeders in 1972 there were roughly 20 cowboys and 60 company horses.
By Jim Whitt On the list of things that are done for all the wrong reasons in organizations, performance reviews would have to rank near
By Jim Whitt I like heavy starch in my jeans. Not my everyday jeans but my Sunday-go-to-meeting jeans. The ones I wear for important occasions
By Paula Lau “I don’t know!” I snapped at one of my sons. For what seemed like the one hundredth time, he was asking me
By Gerald Daniels Charlie’s determination at work is evident to all who know him. His ability to complete most any work- related task in a